Updated 10/02/22
The Minnesota Supreme Court issued orders during the COVID-19 pandemic directing all family court proceedings to be held virtually via Zoom or telephone in order to conduct court safely. Holding hearings remotely was so successful that most family court hearings continue to be held virtually. Hearings that require evidence may be held in person.
Office Meetings and Mediations
In the last two years we have found that we can represent our clients very well using a variety of digital technologies, and that it saves our clients a significant amount of money. Our clients are needing to take less time off from work, and they are not paying for our travel time to and from in-person meetings and hearings, which brings significant savings. We are pleased that as we emerge from covid, that the court and many attorneys and mediators are continuing to make remote options possible.
At present, we continue to conduct most of our office meetings and mediations via Zoom, Skype, Facetime, and telephone. If you need support to use video technologies to communicate with us, our technical staff is available to help you at no expense to you. (For support with these issues please contact Winnie Williams at wwilliams@divorcelawyermn.com.)
One member of our staff is immune compromised and so we have a continued need to remain vigilant. We can make ourselves available for in person meetings with vaccinated individuals. If you are not vaccinated, we would be happy to serve you through digital technologies but we will be unable to meet in person.
In Person Meetings or Stopping by the Office
If you need to stop by the office for any reason, we ask that you schedule an appointment so we know to expect you.
Meeting Support
- Download zoom for Windows or Mac from this link for : https://zoom.us/client/latest/Zoom.pkg
- For iphone: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id546505307
- For android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.zoom.videomeetings
- Facetime comes preinstalled on all Apple products.
- Download here: https://www.skype.com/en/get-skype/
- Available for: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and Iphone
Tech Support for Video Meetings With Our Office
- Contact Winnie Williams at wwilliams@divorcelawyermn.com